Have a lot of numbers to keep up with? Charge cards, web sites, insurance policies? When you buy a new product, do you store away in a drawer the paperwork with the serial number and repair phone numbers, then forget where you put them? Keep it all in one place, right in your pocket with LifeNumbers. Remember just one password, the one that unlocks LifeNumbers, and let LifeNumbers Remember ALL the rest. Under password Protection and data encryption*, track all the secret numbers of your life: Charge card numbers, expiration dates, PINs, credit limits/remaining credit, current balances Insurance policies Prescriptions Vehicle VINs, maintenance schedule, insurance information Passwords Safe combinations Bugler alarm activation codes Product serial numbers and purchase information Keep up with your favorite web site addresses, sign-on user names and passwords Context-sensitive online help available. Includes: Windows companion version that looks and works just like the handheld version. No need to learn two different programs. Learn the handheld version, and you know the Windows version! Both versions share the same data with conduit 2-way merge synchronization A random Password Generator (user selectable to produce passwords that include lower, upper case and/or numbers in the password). No more need to use your cat's name for your passwords! Generate random passwords and let LifeNumbers remember them for you. Optional AutoExit feature shuts the program down after a user-selected period of inactivity, keeping your data safe from prying eyes. Automatically capitalizes words as you write, so you don't have to shift cases. Click the [Trial] button above to download the software as a 10-day free trial version. Click the [Add to Cart] button to get your registration code. ZIP file download on the [Trial] button includes both handheld and Windows versions.If you use a MAC, write sales@arkansoft.com to get it in a SIT file.